4 Reasons Sticker Books Aren't Just For Fun!

Slime, kinetic sand, silly putty...stickers. Sometimes we look at these toys and all we see are the inevitable mess that will happen. Slime getting stuck in the vacuum, kinetic sand ground in the carpet fibers, silly putty stuck to the bum of my toddler's track pants, (ugh) and the stickers that end up stuck to dressers, fridges, tables and really any hard surface will do.

But before you ban stickers from your kid's toy box, (lol, as if they would ever allow that) consider these 4 hidden benefits that stickers have!

1. Stickers promote creative thinking, reasoning, and understanding.

Through matching and association, stickers can lend a helping hand in the development of these skills. Experts say that matching and sorting skills are probably more important in preschool years than counting skills! Developing this skill helps their little minds bring order to the chaos and allows them to feel more independent and in control.

2. Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Peeling the sticker off and placing it in a certain spot on the page helps to develop fine motor skills and also hand-eye coordination. This often leads to a child who has an easier time learning to write or draw.

3. Promote independence and confindence.

Sticker books can tap into specific areas of interest and gives you insight into what drives and excites your little one. Kids need to learn to find things that interest them and to have the opportunity to spend time on the things they like - stickers are a first step to discovering passions.

4. Not just fun, also informative

Usborne sticker and activity books are not only fun but where applicable they are also historically accurate and informative.

My First Sticker Books are the perfect place to begin exploring and discovering passions, develop essential skills and a great way to have fun too!


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